Ashley Tisdale NOT Pregnant, Despite Speculation

Ashley Tisdale Not Pregnant

(Getty Images)

Ashely Tisdale is NOT pregnant, despite speculation that started after she attended an Oscars party on Sunday. Gossip Cop can help set the record straight.

Tisdale and husband Christopher French went to Elton John’s Oscars party, a star-studded bash the music icon hosts every year during the Academy Awards. The formal affair naturally included a red carpet, and Tisdale posed both alone and with French. The actress wore a blue gown, and in some photos, fans apparently thought it looked like she had a baby bump.

But those supporters, while likely well-meaning, jumped to the wrong conclusions. Tisdale tweeted on Monday, “The pressure to being perfect is a struggle. No im not pregnant, I’m just happy and haven’t been strict on my diet but thanks for the reminder.”

One fan with the Twitter handle “@Totidadn” wrote back, “@ashleytisdale im the one who said that you are pregnant!! I saw your body last night you were different! But i adore u no matter what.” The “High School Musical” star has not responded, but did get a lot of supportive replies from fans encouraging body positivity.

Other celebs have found themselves in similar situations over the years. As false rumors circulated about Khloe Kardashian expecting back in 2010, she bluntly responded, “I’m just fat.” More recently, last June, Gabrielle Union hit back at an untrue pregnancy report by tweeting, “Newsflash! Women have these things called periods. On occasion there is bloating…and breathing.”

She went on to say, “Didn’t realize my uterus needed a publicist to account for its comings & goings (uterus hijinks! Whatta rascal) #periodwatch #bloatnotababy. I know some are disappointed but ANY news abt my uterus will be shared by me. PS It’s weird to create fake pregnancies for ppl #periodwatch.”

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Ashley Tisdale is pregnant.
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