Entries from April 2019 ↓

Ben Affleck, Lindsay Shookus Split For Second Time Over His ‘Wandering Eye’?

Ben Affleck Lindsay Shookus Split Again

(Getty Images)

A tabloid claims the real reason Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus split for a second time after briefly reuniting was over the actor’s so-called “wandering eye.” The story is completely fabricated. Gossip Cop can debunk it.

The actor and the “Saturday Night Live” producer recently reconnected after going their separate ways in August 2018, but they once again called off their romance earlier this month. According to Star, Affleck lusting over other women is what “destroyed their second shot at a love affair.”

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A supposed source tells the outlet that the New York-based producer recently flew to Los Angeles after hearing that Affleck was planning “a tryst” with “a young adult actress.” As the story goes, Shookus confronted him before the date occurred. “It wasn’t a fight – that’s not their style,” says an alleged insider. “But Lindsay told hm in no uncertain terms that it’s too hard being 3,000 miles away and hearing about random hookups. She’s through putting up with it.”

The magazine hides behind an unnamed and possibly fictitious “source” to sell its phony story, but Gossip Cop reached out to Affleck’s spokesperson, who tells us on the record that it’s nonsense. The actor’s rep, who’s qualified to speak on his behalf, assures us he and Shookus didn’t split over another woman. In reality, distance was a major factor in their breakup.

People magazine, a much more reliable source for celebrity news than Star, recently confirmed that Affleck and Shookus split again because “living in different cities” proved too difficult. The reputable publication noted that the “SNL” producer “has a kid and an ex-husband and a job in New York,” while Affleck “has his family and a job in L.A.”

“Entertainment Tonight,” another reliable outlet, similarly reported that Affleck and Shookus split for a second time as “the result of too much time apart due to their hectic schedules.” Star is the only publication in the world suggesting that something salacious led to the breakup. That’s simply not the case.

Unfortunately, we’re not surprised the tabloid has zero insight into the situation. Last month, Gossip Cop busted the outlet for making up a story about Affleck asking Jennifer Garner to marry him again. It was around this same time that the actor reignited his romance with Shookus.

Last year, Gossip Cop called out the magazine for publishing a ridiculous story about Garner and Shookus both being pregnant with Affleck’s babies. That absurd report had more in common with a TV soap opera than anything resembling journalism. This latest article is more fiction from the unreliable outlet.

Britney Spears Keeping Pregnancy “Under Wraps”?

Britney Spears Pregnant

(Getty Images)

One year ago today, a website insisted Britney Spears was three months pregnant and keeping the baby news “under wraps.” At the time, Gossip Cop reported it was 100 percent untrue. Now 12 months later, it’s clear we were right and that the outlet which swore up and down she was expecting her third child couldn’t have been more wrong.

On April 28, 2018, a blog called Naughty Gossip exclaimed in a headline, “Britney Spears Is Pregnant.” The often discredited outlet, picking up its information from another site called Blind Gossip, noted then that Spears wouldn’t be able to “keep her secret under wraps for much longer.” Also included in the article was speculation about how Spears would be able to continue performing with a “baby belly.”

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The story shared how the singer has a “steady partner,” so there was no need to guess who the baby daddy was. Still, it bizarrely neglected to mention that her boyfriend’s name is Sam Asghari. Continuing to disregard some basic rules of journalism, such as investigating other outlet’s claims before republishing them, Naughty Gossip simply took Blind Gossip’s questionable article, which had no proof whatsoever, and presented it as fact.

Well, as Gossip Cop stated out after speaking to a mutual friend of ours and the singer, Spears was not pregnant and hiding a baby bump. A full 365 days have passed and obviously the singer didn’t have another child. It bears pointing out how neither of those blogs that breathlessly maintained she was expecting again apologized for their false reports, nor have they bothered (to this day) to update their incorrect stories to reflect Spears was not actually pregnant.

Just two months before those works of fiction, Gossip Cop busted Us Weekly when it similarly alleged inaccurately that Spears was having a baby with Asghari. We also nailed Heat last August when it mistakenly contended Spears was getting pregnant and having a baby after her “Piece of Me” tour ended. In each of those cases, the various tabloids and websites relied on bad information or unreliable sources. Conversely, Gossip Cop’s reporting was spot-on because our Spears insiders are impeccable.

And that brings us to why Gossip Cop looks back from time to time at claims from the year before, like the one about Spears supposedly keeping a pregnancy “under wraps.” We revisit these reports because far too many media organizations that publish these types of falsehoods simply move on and don’t take any responsibility for having fed the public lies, which tend to spread across the web’s echo chamber. (Admittedly, even we flub on occasion, but at least we update our stories or add corrections.) The lesson is the next time an outlet asserts Spears is pregnant, check to see how it has fared before with its articles about the singer, and then still come to Gossip Cop to make sure you get the truth.

Jennifer Aniston Wants ‘Another Chance’ With Justin Theroux After Brad Pitt Moves On?

Jennifer Aniston Justin Theroux Brad Pitt

(Getty Images)

Does Jennifer Aniston want “another chance” with Justin Theroux after Brad Pitt moved on with a different woman? That was the premise of a report from exactly one year ago today. Gossip Cop noted at the time that none of the claims mirrored the truth, and it’s clear 12 months later the article was nothing more than a work of fiction.

On April 27, 2018, RadarOnline crafted a story about how Aniston wanted a “another chance” with Theroux, just two months after they announced they had separated. The often discredited website further contended the former “Friends” star was motivated to reconcile with Theroux because Pitt had moved on by dating MIT professor Neri Oxman. The outlet went on to assert a source shared with the blog how Aniston regretted splitting from Theroux and would get back together with him “in a heartbeat,” if he were willing to give her a second shot.

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As Gossip Cop exclusively reported a year ago, and time has also proved us right, Aniston was not interested in reconciling with Theroux, and Oxman and Pitt never even dated, a point the MIT professor “emphatically” made in an interview with the New York Times in October 2018. Also, Theroux told the Times a month earlier that his and Aniston’s parting was “amicable” and “painless,” and their “friendship” (not romance) was “changing” in a way the two were “very proud of.” And when asked about Pitt and Theroux in an interview with InStyle for its September 2018 cover, Aniston said she now laughs at the “ridiculous headlines” which she feels have “gotten more and more absurd.”

While it’s unclear whether RadarOnline completely manufactured its story, or based its information on an entirely untrustworthy source, what is apparent is the article was filled with one lie after the other. What’s also obvious is that in the 365 days since it posted the untrue report about Aniston wanting to get back together with Theroux after failing to rekindle with Pitt, the outlet has not become anymore reliable with its tales about them.

Earlier this month, for example, the same blog insisted Aniston was feeling “heartbreak” over Theroux kissing another woman. The site even claimed Theroux looked “smitten” with the woman, but in reality he was simply shooting a love scene with Ilana Glazer, his co-star in the upcoming movie False Positive. There was no reason whatsoever to drag Aniston into a story that should have been nothing more than a piece about Theroux and Glazer shooting a film together, but the outlet seemingly wanted to just concoct an angle about her being “heartbroken.”

As for the Once Upon A Time In Hollywood star, the same website earlier this year maintained Pitt was in a romance with Charlize Theron and hiding it from Angelina Jolie. It bears mentioning, not only did Pitt’s rep, speaking on behalf of the actor, tell Gossip Cop that talk of them being in a relationship was “false,” but Theron herself has said she hasn’t dated anyone for several years.

To recap: Theroux gave no indication he’s willing to get back together with Aniston, nor has she said anything of that nature either. In fact, she’s called tabloid stories about her, Pitt, and Theroux “absurd.” Additionally, Oxman confirmed she’s never been involved with Pitt. So basically, the blog’s whole narrative was 100 percent wrong, and even some of its subsequent tales about Aniston, Theroux, and Pitt have also been total falsehoods.

This is precisely why Gossip Cop sometimes revisits reports from the previous year. It’s the best way for us to show readers which claims have held up, and which were total fabrications from the start. There should be no doubt now that the piece about Aniston supposedly wanting “another chance” with Theroux (because it didn’t work out with Pitt) was nothing more than one lie piled on top of another lie. Nor have that outlet’s alleged Pitt and Aniston sources become anymore accurate over time. Lastly, the least the blog could do is correct or update its debunked articles, which are still on its site.

Angelina Jolie Dating Rich Businessmen Now That She’s Legally Single?

Angelina Jolie Dating Single

(Getty Images)

A tabloid claims Angelina Jolie is dating again now that she’s legally single and has set her sights on nabbing a rich businessman. The story is completely made-up. Gossip Cop can debunk it.

Earlier this month, a judge granted Jolie and Brad Pitt a dissolution of their status as a married couple as they continue finalizing their divorce. According to Star, the actress is pursuing a romance now that she’s officially a single woman. “She’s already been out on a couple dates, mostly with businessman types,” a supposed source tells the magazine. “But she’s kept it hyper hush-hush from the get-go because she didn’t want people to know she was seeing anyone else before the divorce was final.”

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The alleged insider further contends that Jolie is on the hunt for a billionaire after seeing how Miranda Kerr went from Orlando Bloom to marrying Snapchat founder Evan Spiegel. “She probably imagines herself making the same kind of power move,” adds the questionable tipster, who goes on to say the actress’s friends have suggested she go after Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey or Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

From there, the seemingly phony source pretends to know how Jolie’s six kids will feel when they find out their mom is dating again. “Maddox would be the most anxious about it, since he was front and center in her breakup with Brad,” says the suspicious insider. “But all the children are now old enough to understand what their mom has been through and be cautiously happy for her.” As for the actress, the “source” maintains she’s looking forward to “a little revenge romance” to let Pitt know “she’s doing just fine without him.”

The tabloid’s article is pure fiction. Gossip Cop checked in with a source close to the actress, who wasn’t able to speak on the record, but tells us she remains focused on her children and work at this time. Jolie isn’t back in the dating world yet, and she certainly isn’t on the hunt for a billionaire boyfriend. People magazine recently noted that despite their newly single status, both Jolie and Pitt are “focused on what’s best for the kids.”

It should be mentioned, Star is the same outlet that Gossip Cop busted in February for falsely claiming Jolie was dating Sean Penn. Not only was that report untrue, but this latest one contradicts it by saying the actress is only dating now that she’s legally single. Not to mention, Penn isn’t a billionaire businessman.

Back in January, Gossip Cop also called out the magazine for making up a ridiculous story about Jolie trying to steal David Beckham from his wife Victoria. The publication simply churns out fabricated narratives surrounding the actress’s post-split love life. This latest tall tale is just another example.

Kate Middleton ‘Moved Out’ During ‘Trial Separation’ From Prince William?

Kate Middleton Prince William Separated


Has Kate Middleton “moved out” of the home she shares with Prince William during a “trial separation” following the rumors he cheated on her? That’s the premise behind the cover story of one of this week’s tabloids. Gossip Cop, however, can correct this false report.

According to the Globe, Middleton and her three kids have “moved out” of her and Prince William’s country estate, Anmer Hall, over the accusations linking the Duke of Cambridge to family friend Rose Hanbury. The supermarket tabloid contends Middleton is “so shattered” by Prince William’s alleged “betrayal” that they’re in the midst of a “trial separation, even as their lawyers talk divorce.” The magazine further asserts Middleton and Princess Charlotte and princes George and Louis are now living in her parents’ place.

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A so-called “palace courtier” is quoted by the often debunked publication as saying Queen Elizabeth is “furious” over the the latest events. The supposed tipster maintains the queen has made it known that “little George is going to be King. There is simply no way the royal family can allow him to be raised by commoners” since the Middletons are not blue bloods.

The alleged “royal insider” insists, “William has been beside himself with worry” since Middleton “won’t see or speak with him.” “He’s helpless,” continues the anonymous and seemingly made-up source, who adds Middleton’s “emotional state is a huge worry.” Glaringly missing in the article is when Middleton supposedly moved out of Anmer Hall and into her parents’ home, or how the U.S-based supermarket tabloid is the only outlet to know this, while no respected news organizations have reported about the duchess being in a “trial separation.”

The truth is Middleton and Prince William are not in a “trial separation.” And far from Duchess of Cambridge not seeing or speaking to her husband, Middleton and Prince William spent Easter together, and even visited Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at their new home after church services at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. Also, contrary to there being concern about Middleton’s “emotional state,” various outlets pointed out how she was smiling and laughing with Prince Harry as they entered Westminster Abbey for Thursday’s Anzac Day service, which commemorated the military efforts of those from Australia and New Zealand who served and sacrificed in all the wars.

As Gossip Cop previously noted, lawyers for the royal family shot down the cheating rumors, calling it all “false speculation.” We’ve also been told the infidelity accusations are wrong. Of course, that hasn’t stopped the Globe, which has a track record for manufacturing tall tales about the royals. Just a week ago, for instance, we corrected the outlet for its untrue story about Prince William and Middleton being in “divorce talks.”

Before that, Gossip Cop nailed the magazine for its phony cover story about how Prince William seized the throne from Prince Charles, who he accused of murder. And we also recently exposed the publication for another bogus claim about Queen Elizabeth ordering Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles to get divorced. Not one of those articles were accurate, and neither is the latest piece about Middleton having “moved out” and being in a “trial separation” with Prince William.

Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande Feuding?

Taylor Swift Ariana Grande Feud

(Getty Images)

Are Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande really feuding? That’s the bogus claim in one of this week’s tabloids. Gossip Cop looked into the supposed battle, and we can set the record straight.

“Ariana vs. Taylor: Secret Catfight” reads a headline in the latest issue of Life & Style. The accompanying article quotes a “source” as saying, “Taylor has been watching Ariana’s massive success over the past year, and she can’t help but feel jealous. Now she’s plotting to get back on top.” Swift released the new song “ME!” this past Thursday at midnight, and according to the outlet, part of her reason for making new music is to outshine Grande.

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The alleged insider further contends that Swift had been “lying low” to please her boyfriend, Joe Alwyn, but now “she’s worried people have forgotten about her.” The questionable tipster adds, “She sees other likes Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato stepping back from their careers for health reasons and losing fans in the process, and that scares her.”

The seemingly phony source goes on to say that Swift is now determined to get back into the spotlight seeing how Grande’s popularity is on the rise. “Ariana’s really connecting on social media, which irks Taylor because she feels like that’s her thing,” adds the suspicious insider. “They share many of the same fans, so Taylor considers her direct competition.”

The magazine’s article is very dramatic, and it’s also entirely untrue. Swift released new music this week because she’s a musician, not because she’s trying to dethrone another pop star. Gossip Cop checked in with a source close to the singer, who laughed off the tabloid’s ridiculous tale. We’re assured there’s no animosity or jealousy between Swift and Grande, nor are the two in any sort of feud.

Unfortunately, we’re not surprised by the magazine’s false report. Gossip Cop busted Life & Style last year for wrongly maintaining Swift was secretly engaged to Alwyn and planning a wedding. That’s not the case. That inaccurate story came on the heels of another one about Swift and Alwyn having a summer wedding in Nashville. As time has proven, the couple didn’t tie the knot last summer.

Meanwhile, Gossip Cop also called out the tabloid last year for insisting Grande and Pete Davidson were having a baby together. The ex-couple broke up shortly after we debunked the story. It’s clear the unreliable magazine doesn’t have any insight into either singer’s life. This latest report about Swift and Grande being in a showdown is nonsense.

Truth About ‘American Idol’ Getting Canceled

American Idol Canceled

(Getty Images)

“American Idol” is not getting canceled, despite false reports making the rounds. Gossip Cop can debunk the rumors. We’ve learned the show isn’t getting the axe.

An article in the latest issue of the National Enquirer, which was later published by RadarOnline, claims the reality competition series is being taken off the air due to poor ratings. The show, which was rebooted last year with new judges Katy Perry, Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan, is currently in its second season. An alleged insider tells the magazine there won’t be a third season as “producers and crew are already sending out their resumes,” while Perry “is ready to go back to focusing on her music career.”

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The magazine’s story is based on claims from a seemingly fictitious “insider,” but Gossip Cop checked in Perry’s spokesperson, who tells us on the record it’s “not true.” A source close to host Ryan Seacrest also tells us the show isn’t being canceled. Meanwhile, a source involved in the production of the ABC show tells us there’s “no validity” to the cancellation rumors. Although the network has yet to make an official announcement, our trustworthy sources assure us “American Idol” will be renewed for a third season.

It’s worth noting, the ratings for “American Idol” have been increasing since audience voting began earlier this month. The Hollywood Reporter even noted that the show fared well when it competed against the premiere of HBO’s “Game of Thrones” almost two weeks ago. Although it’s true the singing competition show has hit some ratings stumbles this season, it’s not being canceled as a result.

To say that RadarOnline and the Enquirer have been off-base before about “American Idol” and its judges would be an understatement. In 2017, for example, the website wrongly insisted “American Idol” was going to hire Kim Kardashian as a judge. It’s also the same blog that said “American Idol” was hiring Simon Cowell instead of Seacrest for the reboot. Of course, Seacrest was re-hired as host and Cowell was never in the running.

Also, just about a year ago, the Enquirer maintained “American Idol” producers forced Perry to apologize to Taylor Swift. In addition to the story making no sense, a spokesperson for the show told Gossip Cop on the record the tale was 100 percent “not true.” Just days earlier, we busted the tabloid’s sister outlet, Life & Style, which wrongly claimed both “American Idol” was being canceled and that Swift was replacing Perry as a judge. None of that was true, and neither is the latest story about the show being on the chopping block.

Taylor Swift, Katy Perry Racing Each Other To Altar?

Taylor Swift Katy Perry Wedding Race

(Getty Images)

Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are not racing each other to the altar, despite a false tabloid report. Gossip Cop can debunk the phony story. There’s simply no truth to it.

According to Star, Perry has been secretly engaged to boyfriend Joe Alwyn for a few months now, so she was furious when Perry announced her engagement to Orlando Bloom in February. A supposed source tells the magazine, “As much as Taylor has stepped back from the Hollywood spotlight recently, she won’t be able to live with herself if her wedding is outdone by Katy. She’s determined to walk down the aisle first and have her marriage be the one that everyone remembers.”

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The alleged insider goes on to say that Swift believes Perry heard about her so-called “secret engagement” and “deliberately rushed her own engagement to Orlando.” The questionable tipster adds, “Friends have told Taylor that’s crazy, since Orlando carefully planned his Valentine’s Day proposal, but she’s hearing absolutely none of it.” The seemingly phony source further contends that Swift is now planning an over-the-top wedding in Nashville “and flying in her A-list friends on private jets from around the world.”

The suspicious insider maintains that Perry has caught wind of the fellow singer’s supposed plans, “which really set her off,” so now she’s determined to outdo her. From there, the purported tipster pretends to know how Bloom and Alwyn feel about the situation, saying they’re both “shell-shocked” and “can’t believe how their fiancées became more obsessed with each other than the guys they’re going to spend the rest of their lives with.”

Of course, it’s highly unlikely that one “insider” would know so much about what’s going on inside the heads of four separate people. That’s because this entire storyline is fabricated. Gossip Cop checked in with a source in Swift’s camp, who laughed off the tabloid’s tale. The singer isn’t secretly engaged to her boyfriend or planning a wedding. A mutual pal of ours and Perry similarly dismissed the article as nonsense.

The outlet’s report seems to have been concocted based on the years-long feud between Swift and Perry, despite the two singers squashing their rivalry last year. After several years of tension, the two women set aside their differences when Perry sent the fellow singer a literal olive branch in the mail, which Swift shared on Instagram. Just last month, Perry said she’s open to collaborating with Swift when asked about the possibility in an interview with “Entertainment Tonight.”

Unfortunately, the gossip media has a habit of roping the two singers into false narratives. Last year, Gossip Cop called out a magazine for wrongly reporting that Swift and Perry were both moving to the same area of London to live with their British boyfriends. Neither pop star has relocated overseas.

Also last year, Gossip Cop debunked a bogus article about Swift replacing Perry as a judge on “American Idol.” As time has proven, that didn’t happen. This latest article about the two singers being in some sort of bride war is more fiction.

Jennifer Lopez Rude To Fan During Meet-And-Greet?

Jennifer Lopez Rude Fan

(Getty Images)

Was Jennifer Lopez really rude to one of her fans during a meet-and-greet? That’s the bogus story in one of this week’s tabloids. Gossip Cop looked into the situation, and we can set the record straight.

“J. Lo Has Just A Sec For Adoring Fans!” reads a headline in the latest issue of the National Enquirer. The accompanying article quotes a so-called source as saying, “Arrangements had been made for Jennifer to meet one of her biggest fans and video the experience. Events like these usually go great, but Jen walked in and screamed, ‘It’s [expletive] cold in here. I literally have five minutes!”

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The alleged insider goes on to say that during the meet-and-greet, one of Lopez’s assistants “pulled out a stopwatch and started the countdown.” The questionable source adds, “To make matters worse, Jennifer asked, ‘Are you a real fan or a fake one?’”

The magazine’s phony article provides very few details about the alleged incident. The outlet doesn’t bother to mention exactly when and where it took place or why the singer decided to film a meet-and-greet in the first place. It’s worth noting that Lopez’s It’s My Party tour kicks off in June, so if she were going to schedule some sort of a fan encounter, she’d presumably do it after one of her concerts. The singer is currently busy shooting her upcoming movie Hustlers.

Despite the magazine’s report being vague and lacking logic, Gossip Cop still checked in with a source close to Lopez, who tells us the incident described in the article simply never happened. Unfortunately, we’re not surprised by the tabloid’s made-up story. The Enquirer has spent a whole lot of time publishing fiction about the singer’s relationship with Alex Rodriguez.

Earlier this month, Gossip Cop busted the outlet for falsely asserting Lopez was dumping Rodriguez over cheating allegations made against him by Playboy model Zoe Gregory, who told a tabloid the former baseball star propositioned her over text. Gregory didn’t provide any proof to back up her unsubstantiated claims, and we were assured Lopez was paying zero attention to them. As time has proven, the singer and her fiancé are still very much together.

Back in October, Gossip Cop called out the publication for wrongly reporting Rodriguez felt “trapped” by Lopez and wanted to date other women. Considering that the former Yankee proposed just a few months later, it’s clear there was no truth to the narrative. The same goes for this latest tale about Lopez being rude to a fan during a meet-and-greet.

Justin Bieber ‘Walks Out’ On ‘Pregnant’ Hailey Baldwin?

Justin Bieber Hailey Baldwin Pregnant Walks Out


Justin Bieber did not “walk out” on Hailey Baldwin, nor is the model pregnant with her husband’s baby, despite a bogus tabloid report. Gossip Cop can exclusively debunk the story. We’ve learned it’s completely false.

“Hailey: Pregnant & Alone” reads a headline in the latest issue of OK! The accompanying article says the newlyweds are headed for divorce amid Baldwin being three months pregnant. “The word is that they recently got into a terrible fight – and Justin walked out and ended things for good,” a supposed source tells the magazine. “The whole thing is a mess and is really putting a damper on parenthood.”

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The alleged insider continues, “The drama is endless. They constantly clash and argue over the smallest things. The fighting has torn them apart – and Justin’s frequent mood swings and public meltdowns haven’t made things any easier.” The suspicious tipster further contends that Bieber and Baldwin’s biggest battle came a few weeks ago when the singer “confronted” his wife for spending the night with her friends instead of him.

“Justin made it clear that he needs Hailey to be by his side and taking care of him,” adds the seemingly phony source. “She lost it and snapped back that she’s supposed to be his wife, not his mother. Justin took that very badly, and stormed out.” The questionable insider adds, “For Justin to walk away when Hailey’s said to be expecting his child is pretty dramatic, even by their tumultuous standards.”

From there, the unreliable outlet attempts to cover its tracks by suggesting that the spouses may be able to work out their supposed issues. “Knowing Justin, he could still change his mind and apologize to Hailey for walking out and beg her to give their marriage another shot,” says the anonymous “insider.” This last section of the phony article was seemingly included so the tabloid can save face when the couple doesn’t split.

The magazine doesn’t have a single shred of proof to suggest that the newlyweds have been at war, but there’s plenty of evidence showing otherwise. On Monday night, Bieber and Baldwin cuddled up while watching the Toronto Maple Leafs play against the Boston Bruins at an NHL playoff game. Just one day ago, Bieber shared a collection of photos of his wife on Instagram, along with the caption, “This is my bean.” One day before that, Baldwin shared an Instagram photo of her and Bieber goofing around in a photo booth, along with the caption, “my only bubba.”

Even more significant, however, is the loving message that Baldwin posted for her husband on Instagram last week. Along with a picture of Bieber, the model wrote, “my love… you are an incredible man, you make me a better human being, you make me happier than I’ve ever been. Insanely proud of who you are and who you’re becoming. I love you more every single day.”

Since it’s been established that the couple’s marriage is going strong, Gossip Cop can also confirm that the model isn’t currently expecting a child. We checked in with a rep for Bieber, who assures us that every aspect of the magazine’s story is fabricated. After alerting the singer’s spokesperson of the tabloid’s story, we were told, “This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read and everyone who reads this article should ask for that time in their life that OK! wasted back.”

Unfortunately, we’re not surprised the publication is attempting to stir up nonexistent drama between the happy spouses. In February, Gossip Cop busted the tabloid for falsely claiming Bieber and Baldwin were getting a divorce over Selena Gomez. This latest article is more nonsense from the untrustworthy outlet.