How to Have Romance Like the Celebrities

For years, Hollywood has been the epitome of romance and class. Old Hollywood is the thing that everybody wants to embrace at prom, at their weddings,and in their homes. Any time they think of the most romantic things that could happen to a person, the golden age of Hollywood complete with long kisses on the beach, couples cuddling in luxurious beds, and men gazing at beautiful women in their vintage bathing suits comes to mind. The studio era of Hollywood emanates romance and glamour.

While it might be all smoke and mirror, and the productions that set the precedent for romance are staged and the farthest thing from romantic in the world for the actors to perform, there is still something about that celebrity life that makes you want to be them. If you want to know how to have romance in your life like the celebrities, here are some things you can do:


Though romance can most definitely be spontaneous, there’s something to be said for the fact that the most romantic of notions often don’t go on without some sort of semblance of a plan. This is especially true for your favorite romantic scene in your favorite movie. Celebrities appear to live romantic lives because there is somebody behind the scenes moving the pieces, controlling the waves, and applying the makeup.

If you want to have a picnic on the beach and feel like Audrey Hepburn doing it, you better express that to your partner, make sure they do some planning, and you’ll want to have a hair and makeup person at hand to gussy you up when the wind blows your hair astray and the water takes off your makeup.

Just Say Yes

Romance comes when people are willing to try new things. There is nothing that will kill a romantic moment like somebody being too afraid to jump into the water, or somebody who is too afraid to dance. If you want to live a romantic life like the stars, you have to be willing to say yes. It’s just you and the love of your life, who do you have to disappoint or embarrass? Part of the fun is just doing things in the moment and learning to love each other more because of it, even if you fail horribly.

Work Hard

As glamorous as the celebrity life seems, it doesn’t come without a fair share of hard work. It’s expensive planning impromptu trips to Havana or Paris. Only people why have put in the time and work are able to live romantic lives where they can fly places on a whim and buy massive diamond rings for their lovers. Keep in mind, that romance is what you make of it and it’s the thought that really counts, so work hard, make an effort, and make it for yourself.


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