Since scandalous pictures surfaced earlier this week of Robin Thicke at the VMAs grabbing a mystery gal’s ass, the entire world has been desperate to learn this lady’s identity!
(Well, maybe not the entire world — we’re sure wifey Paula Patton was good without ever knowing.)
At any rate, the blonde babe he Blurred Lines with is actually a young NYC socialite named Lana Scolaro!!!
She’s recently come forward, and she swears it wasn’t trick photography! She says Robin squeezed her cheeks for realz!!!
Lana revealed:
“I knew his hand was on my butt, but I didn’t know that there was a mirror. I don’t even know how to use Photoshop. I didn’t even know that was the reflection until I uploaded it, and someone commented on it. I was just like, ‘Oh I’ll Instagram this photo with Robin Thicke, like everybody else.'”
But Butt wait, there’s more!!!
As it turns out, Lana and Robin took OTHER sexy pics together!! We scoured the darkest corners of the internet to find them, too!
See them for yourself…AFTER THE JUMP!!!
Whoa! Cozy!!! Get a room, you two!!
Wait!! On second thought, don’t do that! Robin is supposedly happily married and his AH-Mazing wife shouldn’t be taken for granted!!
What about Lana, though!? The scandalous socialite is world famous, but now what does she do?
We’re guessing more racy Instagram pics! Feast your eyes on everything from mind-altering substances to fancy handbags, from tropical paradises to topless ladies (below)!
[Image via Instagram.]
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